Mayor of Parakou Assessing Damage and Mobilizing Support After Collapse of Vital Bridge

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Mayor Inoussa Chabi Zimé of Parakou, Benin, took immediate action following the collapse of a crucial bridge in the OrouGuérérou district due to heavy rainfall. Accompanied by the departmental director of the living environment, Mayor Zimé visited the site to survey the extensive damage and interact with affected residents.

The collapse of the OrouGuérérou bridge in Parakou: Mayor Inoussa Chabi Zimé assesses the situation

Mayor Inoussa Chabi Zimé of the Parakou commune, alongside the departmental director of the living environment, visited the OrouGuérérou district on the morning of Monday, April 22, 2024, to evaluate the aftermath of the heavy rainfall that occurred on Sunday, April 21, 2024.

The primary purpose of this visit was to personally witness the extent of the damage caused by the rain in the OrouGuérérou district, focusing on the collapse of the bridge that connects OrouGuérérou Est and OrouGuérérou Ouest in the first district of Parakou.

Upon inspection, it was evident that the impromptu bridge had succumbed to the force of the water currents, severely restricting the residents' ability to carry out their daily activities. The lack of mobility was a significant concern for the community.

After conducting a thorough assessment, the mayor expressed his commitment to notifying the central government about the urgent need to construct a new crossing structure. This initiative would involve conducting detailed studies to determine the most suitable course of action.

Mayor Inoussa Chabi Zimé assured the residents that proactive measures would be taken to repair the damaged bridge, a vital infrastructure that significantly impacts the livelihoods of the district's population.

In addition to addressing the physical damage caused by the collapse, Mayor Zimé and the departmental director took the opportunity to educate the community on safety measures during rainy seasons. They emphasized the importance of caution and vigilance to mitigate risks associated with inclement weather conditions.

Cyprien Vodoumbo, the district chief of Kpérouguéra, noted that the recurring collapse of the bridge during rainy seasons has posed a significant challenge for residents' mobility. He highlighted the community's resilience in contributing towards the bridge's repairs and commended the mayor for his prompt response in visiting the affected area to assess the situation.

The visit underscored Mayor Inoussa Chabi Zimé's dedication to addressing the needs of the community and his willingness to engage with residents directly, demonstrating a strong sense of responsiveness and accountability towards the citizens of Parakou.

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