Putin Urges Action Against Price Gouging in Flooded Regions

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Russian President Vladimir Putin Calls for Measures to Curb Speculative Price Hikes on Essential Goods in Areas Hit by Devastating Floods. Addressing the aftermath of floods in Orenburg, Kurgan, and Tyumen regions, Putin emphasizes the need to safeguard victims from unscrupulous practices and ensure swift assistance and support for those affected by the natural disaster.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a directive to prevent exploitative price surges on essential goods in regions devastated by floods, aiming to shield affected residents from profiteering opportunists. During a meeting addressing the aftermath of flooding, Putin emphasized the urgency of tackling the issue of inflated prices in areas such as Orenburg, Kurgan, and Tyumen.

Expressing concern for the affected populations, Putin directed federal, regional, and local authorities to maintain unwavering support for victims, ensuring they receive necessary aid including financial assistance. Moreover, he stressed the importance of promptly addressing complaints and appeals from citizens, prioritizing the responsiveness to their needs.

Putin also highlighted the significance of monitoring the epidemiological and sanitary conditions in flood-stricken areas to prevent health hazards. Additionally, he underscored the need to curb speculative price hikes on essential commodities and to swiftly provide medical and legal aid to those impacted by the disaster.

Looking ahead, the President called for a comprehensive discussion in a larger forum to address the full spectrum of issues concerning flood prevention and safeguarding settlements. Putin's directive reflects a commitment to both immediate relief efforts and long-term strategies to enhance disaster response and community resilience.

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