Court Orders Closure of Mampituba River Bridge for Heavy Vehicles Amid Safety Concerns

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n a significant development, a court has issued an order prohibiting the transit of vehicles weighing over 10 tons on the José Mário Soares Noronha interstate bridge over the Mampituba River. The decision, made in response to a request from the Public Ministry of RS, highlights concerns over the deteriorating condition of the bridge structure, prompting the need for urgent maintenance.

In an unprecedented move to ensure public safety and prevent a potential disaster, the elevated road over the picturesque Mampituba River has been closed for heavy vehicles weighing more than 10 tons. This decision, issued by the Court following a request from the Public Ministry of RS (MP-RS), has sparked discussions and concerns in the border municipalities of Torres and Passo de Torres in Santa Catarina.

The José Mário Soares Noronha interstate bridge, which spans the Mampituba River and serves as a vital link between the two municipalities, is now off-limits for heavy vehicles due to safety concerns. The Public Prosecutor, Dinamárcia Maciel de Oliveira, highlighted the urgent need for corrective maintenance on the bridge, citing significant deterioration in the metal profiles supporting the bridge deck. Without immediate action, there is a looming risk of structural failure and a potential catastrophe.

The civil action filed by the Public Prosecutor underscores the issues at stake, emphasizing the preservation of heritage, environmental risks, and above all, the safety of the bridge users. Dinamárcia stressed the importance of preventing any further deterioration and averting the possibility of a tragic incident occurring on the bridge.

As per the court's directive, only light vehicles are permitted to cross the bridge at reduced speeds. The municipalities of Torres and Passo de Torres have been instructed to enforce the ban diligently, with stringent monitoring measures in place. The city administrations are required to install warning signs and physical barriers for cargo vehicles, including height and width limiters, to prevent any unauthorized access.

Furthermore, the court ruling mandates the deployment of personnel to oversee traffic on the bridge and implement any additional measures deemed necessary for public safety. Failure to comply with these directives will result in hefty fines of R$10,000 per day of non-compliance, with the proceeds benefiting the Pro-Public Security Community Council (Consepro).

The closure of the José Mário Soares Noronha bridge for heavy vehicles signifies a critical step towards safeguarding the well-being of the communities and ensuring the structural integrity of the infrastructure. The collaborative efforts of the Public Ministry, the Court, and the local authorities exemplify a commitment to upholding safety protocols and addressing potential risks proactively.

The residents of Torres and Passo de Torres, as well as commuters who frequently cross the Mampituba River, are urged to adhere to the restrictions in place and cooperate with the authorities to minimize any disruptions caused by the bridge closure. By prioritizing safety and taking necessary precautions, the communities can mitigate the dangers posed by the deteriorating bridge structure and pave the way for a safer transportation environment in the region.

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